8/22/2020 3:08:00 PM | View: 0

AHP not only focus on production and business efficiency but also pays attention to the environmental protection. AHP always abide by criterion of environmental protection during production. Equipment is in sync with modern self-contained sewage treatment technologyto to limit the sewage discharged into the environment and reuse water in the production  process.

Self-contained sewage treatment process:

     • Wastewater from production processes flows through screen by two separate underground sewers, and  then garbage was collected into tank.

       • Wastewater is continuing to pump into primary clarifier tank to settle the suspended solids.

       • After that, wastewater is pumped into the temperature tower and push down the chemical mixing tank to ensure environment and nutrients for growth of microorganism.

     • From the chemical mixing tank, wastewater discharges into the aeration basins to feed the microorganisms.

      • And then wastewater is pumped into the secondary clarifier tanks;at here residues are in the bottom and is pumped to a sludge presses; overflowed wastewater was taken to microorganism tanks before discharge to the Lo river.